spaces spaces&&

architecture for everyone

spaces & humans, architecture

Kaurna Country
Blackwood, South Australia 5051
(08) 7427 1852

Jamie Gardner
B.Design Studies M.Architecture RAIA
SA registered architect 3463

about s&h
design services
consultancy & advice

s&h ethos

architecture for everyone


Anyone and any space, no matter how small or how modest, can benefit from architecture.

Our whole life happens in spaces, but we don't often consider how or why those spaces are the way they are.

At the heart of architecture is a way of thinking about space, and about how we use it. It challenges the assumptions that we make about our spaces. It is analytical and intuitive, and it draws our attention to the effects that the design of our spaces can have on our lives.

It isn't about a particular style or expensive materials. It isn't a luxury product to buy. Anyone and any space, no matter how small or how modest, can benefit from architecture.

And they should - architecture is for everyone.

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less is good


The planet depends on us learning how to be more creative with our space. spaces & humans starts from the perspective that small is beautiful.

Building is intensive - it's cost intensive, resource intensive, and energy intensive. The planet depends on us learning how to be more creative with our space and, where we can, to build less.

spaces & humans starts from the perspective that small is beautiful, and brings together the expertise and knowledge to develop creative and delightful spaces and solutions. Aiming to build less, means designing more. So when it comes to architecture, not only is less just as good, but often less is better.

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design for versatility


If we're going to build something, we should expect it to last. It will certainly weather many changes in its life.

If we're going to build something, we should expect it to last. It will certainly weather many changes in its life, and hopefully even outlast the people that built it. Just like people, whatever we build is going to need to grow and change over time, so we need to design it for change.

But that doesn't mean it shouldn't be beautiful too. It ought to be a delight for those who build it, and for those that come after, too. It needs to be adaptable to future ways of living, and that is part of its beauty. Because it's good to be versatile.

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about s&h

it's me


Photo of Jamie Gardner

spaces & humans is the project of Adelaide-based architect Jamie Gardner.

Born in New Zealand and educated at both The University of Queensland and University of South Australia, Jamie completed his Master of Architecture degree in 2011 and registered with the Architectural Practice Board of South Australia in 2018. Jamie has ten years' experience in the residential architecture sector, working alongside some of the state's finest and best-regarded residential architects.

spaces & humans gives a name and a purpose to the newest stage of Jamie's career, offering a more open and approachable way of making domestic architecture.


design services

design services


spaces & humans delivers domestic architecture services in four phases:





The pre-design phase explores the project's objectives, viability, constraints, and opportunities to develop a central creative direction.
That direction is refined through the design phase into a developed architectural proposal that establishes the project's spatial and fuctional relationships.

In the documentation phase, the technical information is integrated into the design, and the drawings and documents developed to enable the project to be brought to fruition.
The delivery phase ensures that the project is delivered as intended. It might involve help in selecting contractors, administering a building contract, inspecting work on site, additional detailed design work, professional advice, or a combination of these.

Fees for these services are highly tailored to each individual project. For example, fees for the pre-design phase range from $1,500-$3,500¹ all prices quoted in AUD. depending on the size, complexity and location of the project. Fees for subsequent services can be estimated in advance, and are determined based on the exact scope of services, as well as project size, complexity, and construction cost.

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Every client and project is different - this process is not one-size-fits-all. The early pre-design and design phases develop creative ideas that might not otherwise be considered, while the later documentation and delivery phases provide confidence, reduce risks and help to successfully navigate what is often a very complex and potentially stressful process. Some projects might not need all of these phases, and some might need extra services beyond the usual phases.


consultancy & advice

consultancy & advice


spaces & humans offers a range of consultancy and advice services, either separate to or complementing the design services described above.

pre-purchase design advice - $350 ¹
all prices quoted in AUD.

For people looking to purchase a property to extend or renovate, or land to build on. The design advice gives a forecast of the constraints, challenges, opportunities, and overall suitability of a property for the type of project you're looking to undertake. The pre-purchase design advice removes some of the guesswork in buying a property, and provides extra clarity to your decision-making.
Additional fees apply for attendance at property open inspections.

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design brief workshop - $700 ¹
all prices quoted in AUD.

Having a robust design brief can make the difference between a good project and a great one. This collaborative workshop helps to focus and develop your ideas, feelings, and abstract thoughts, and distill them into something you can use and refer to as the basis for your project. It is an invaluable stand-alone service, suitable for anyone from DIY renovators to people considering a whole new architectural home.
The workshop is best undertaken well before you intend to start a project.

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DIY masterplan - POA
A hybrid design-and-advice service, this is especially for DIY home renovators. The masterplan involves a review of your design and gives you feedback and design suggestions from an architectural viewpoint. You will also be given professional advice on a process for achieving your design, any regulatory issues, and other professionals and/or tradespeople you may need to engage.
The masterplan is a great way to get a bit of design thinking and professional expertise behind your project, for those who are otherwise happy to go it alone.

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Tailored Consultancy - POA, otherwise $140/hr ¹
all prices quoted in AUD.

If your project or circumstances call for a unique set of architecture services, then spaces & humans may be able to tailor a consulting package for you or provide advice on as as-needed basis.

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